FAQ – Homeopathy


What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a holistic practice of medicine and is a natural approach to the treatment of the sick. It treats the person as a whole and does not focus on treating a disease, labeled sickness or medical diagnosis.  It is a very effective treatment which works to heal the body from the inside out.  There are two main categories to homeopathy; Acute and Chronic Illness.  Acute illness is usually a brief, recent condition or illness which is self limiting or it may progress if not treated.  For example: colds, cystitis, ear infections.  Chronic illness is a condition that slowly develops over time, is long standing, and can be a recurring health problem.  For example: diabetes, auto immune diseases, allergies.  Homeopathy works for both situations where it acts as a catalyst to stimulate the body to restore a state of well being.  Generally, it may take longer to achieve positive results with a chronic illness than with an acute one.

What is a homeopathic remedy and how do I take them?
Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms.  The substance is prepared in a homeopathic pharmacy and through dilution and succussion (forceful pounding on a hard surface) the medicine is potentized (the strength of the medicine). The substances are highly diluted so that none of the original material remains but the energy of the substance still remains.  Homeopathy differs from herbal medicine, where herbal medicines contain material doses of the actual substance to promote health and healing.  Remedies are most commonly taken in either solid, or liquid form. Solid remedies can be pellets, tablets or granules.  Liquid remedies are generally remedy pellets dissolved in water.  You will be given specific directions on how to take them for your specific issues.  As homeopathy is individualized to the person, the dosing and potency will be unique to you.

Are homeopathic remedies safe?
Homeopathic medicines are safe, even during pregnancy, nursing, for infants and the elderly.  They have no side effects, and have no harmful interactions with conventional medications due to the minute amounts used to prepare the remedies in the homeopathic pharmacy and they are non-toxic when properly administered.  Homeopathic medicines are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) and are recognized and regulated by the FDA and must adhere to the requirements of the HPUS.

How is homeopathy different from conventional medicine?
Homeopathy regards symptoms as the body’s attempt to restore health and well being.  These symptoms, emotional, physical and mental, are what guides the homeopath to the appropriate remedy that will support the symptoms (not oppose them) and ease the body back into harmony and balance by removing the underlying or root cause.  Conventional medicine treats the material or physical aspect of the illness and focuses on controlling, suppressing or eliminating the symptoms.

Is a classical homeopath the same thing as a naturopath?
A naturopath and a homeopath both take a holistic approach to health and healing.  A naturopath studies for about 4 years and in that time they focus on learning a variety of healing modalities such as acupuncture, herbalism, and homeopathy along with the health sciences of anatomy, physiology, pathology, clinical training etc.  A high quality training for a classical homeopath is studying homeopathy intensively for about 4 years.  This will also include the health sciences mentioned above, as well as, in depth study of a variety of remedies, case management, case analysis, philosophy, history, ethics and supervised clinical experience with clients. In other words, a homeopath studies to be specialist in classical homeopathy.

Do I have to stop my other medications or supplements for homeopathy to work?
Since homeopathic remedies work on an energetic level with the body’s vital force and conventional medicines  and supplements work on a material or physical level, you do not have to stop taking your supplements or conventional medicines for homeopathy to work.  However, it is important that your homeopath knows exactly what you are currently taking so dosing can be adjusted if necessary.  You will never be asked to stop taking your conventional medications, and you should never discontinue any prescribed medications without first consulting your doctor.

What about using coffee, mint toothpastes or strong smelling ointments during treatment?
Coffee in moderation does not generally interfere with the action of homeopathic remedies.  If you are particularly sensitive, you may want to limit your use.  Peppermint flavored toothpastes or mints generally do not interfere with the action of remedies. However, it is suggested that you avoid using these products 15 minutes before or after taking your remedy.   Topical ointments containing menthol, camphor or essential oils, may interfere with the action of homeopathic remedies and should be avoided if possible during treatment.

What does the credential CCH mean and what is classical homeopathy?
Board Certification in Classical Homeopathy attests to the practitioner’s training, knowledge, skill and competence in their profession.  The Council for Homeopathic Certification is an independent certifying organization which sets and upholds a rigorous national standard of homeopathic and health science skills.  Homeopaths who have obtained extensive training and clinically supervised experience and have passed the CHC exam use the credential C.C.H., Certified in Classical Homeopathy.  Classical homeopathy is where the practitioner prescribes one remedy at a time.

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